Healthy eating in 2020 and beyond is far from the same for everyone. We are a much different society now. Families cannot serve one dish suitable for all. We have evolved from a new diet every month and year, to label reading of our food and wanting to know where our vegetables fruits meats and fish originate. Animal lovers do not eat animals, organic farmers do not use chemicals, fish farming verses Alaskan Wild Cold Water Salmon - people seeking healthy food choices.
What type of food do you consume: Vegetarian, Vegan, Pescatarian, Gluten free, plant based, low carb, high protein. Nutrition is an important aspect of healthy aging. Salads, vegetables, protein, essential minerals and vitamins are important for optimum maintenance and feeling good. You want to assure yourself that you are not deficient in any of the vital elements needed. The only way to do that is to see a doctor and submit to blood examination determinant of your values which are a normal part of a complete physical examination.
Let's not forget to mention Dental Health. Make sure you are seeing your Dentist as scheduled. You cannot be a healthy person if your dentition has disease. Lastly, cultural traditions and beliefs impact nutrition as well. It is important today (information is widely accessible) to keep informed about nutrition advances, bulletins and information that is given to the public from the The FDA (Food and Drug Administration) and other trusted sources of data.
Aging as a natural progression of use and time meets with the onset of the deterioration of the human body. A new born today has a life expectancy of 103 years. Advances in medicine and nutrition have contributed to that fact. Those of us today know how changes in our musculoskeletal system are reflected in knee surgeries, hip, rotator cuff, back, neck arthritis and on and on. Let's expand that to tendons, muscles, organs and systems. Chronic diseases such as pulmonary conditions, hypertension, heart, diabetes, neuropathies, sight issues and hearing loss.
You have a doctor and your meds, but that's not all you need to know. Do you write down your questions and discuss your symptoms or lack of them with your doctor? Most Doctors have very limited time to discuss matters, so written questions are vital. Change in treatment is also important, change in dosage very important and can be a big difference. A reputable diagnosis, a Doctor you trust and respect and have a comfort that everything possible that can be done for you is being done. After that, what kind of patient are you? Are you compliant? Do you take your medications as directed? When directed, every day? Do you give in to pain and discomfort and lament woe is to me, or do believe the tandem effect of working closely with your Doctor can give better results?
There is another entire sphere of treatment modalities to explore depending upon your condition. Some of these are referrals to specialty treatment. Physical therapy can be so very effective when patient and consistent. Physical aids available in Medical equipment stores. Lastly, attitude of management of your condition when there is no apparent cure. This can go a long way in living with the inevitable. One of the wonderful, free, things in your home if you have a television are exercises “seated” standing or both and others adaptable to every condition on YouTube. It is amazing! Those resources and many others are available for you.
2020 and Covid have fostered more isolation into our lives than we have ever known. Human beings crave the company of others to talk, to feel, touch, and see. Our senses are primed for this. Loss of it can be very complicated and serious. Staying social is vitally necessary. Reaching out making contacts and keeping them. Refusing isolation is a MUST.
The closing of the Senior center was devastating in my community for example, as about 400 people daily came there for breakfast and lunch and stayed all day. Recreation, card playing, lectures, pool, knitting, computer classes, dance classes, stretching, yoga, music, chess, friendships, food and fun, talking to friends, laughing and joking. Wow! one day here, the next gone. The center scurried to provide drive by pick up lunches to fill the void for those who depend on that meal. The delivery of home bound lunch continues. What was lost was the contact. The conversations and the stories.
Zoom came along and some of us continued to play cards on line what a blessing, what an adaptation, what a brilliant result of keeping socialized. This is safe in your home and you can see your friends and family without viral exposure. Socialization is vital. Everyone keep your electronics current. Email and Zoom and on line contact is a good thing and keeps you connected. Don’t be one whose phone is so old it cannot perform basic functions such as “face time.” Get a new laptop or desktop and spend time working on it so you can order on line and keep up. Now it is safe and expedient. Yes, You have to be the person who wants to socialize because you know it is important.
1. Berries: Black berries, Cranberries, Raspberries, Blue berries, Strawberries. Why - High levels of antioxidants, improves artery function.
2. Oats: Why - Nutricious whole grain oats are high in fiber, Beta Glucon reduces blood sugar and insulin response, produces good gut bacteria, can decrease childhood Asthma, feeling of fullness makes you eat less food.
3. Ginger: A spice from China. Why: The root is healthful in that it stimulates digestion, lowers blood pressure, a vasodilator can reduce inflammation and nausea. You can make a ginger tea and cook with vegetables.
4. Legumes: Any bean , pea or lentil. Why: Extremely good for you. powerful antioxidant, prevention of heart disease and cancer. a half cup daily can regulate glucose. Found everywhere all over the world. Eaten daily adds to a long healthy life. Found in Humus (chickpeas ), Tofu, use canned beans on salads.
5. Cruciferous Vegetables: A wonder food. Why: aids in depression, Alzheimers, cancer prevention. Can be found as Arrugula, Bok Choy, Broccoli, Cabbage, Kale, Radishes, Turnips.
6. Ground Flaxseed - Super food. Why: Protein source , omega 3's, soluble fiber, cancer prevention. Note must be ground up to be absorbed otherwise they just pass thru. Grind keep in refrigeration for up to a month.
7. Tumeric - From India, yellow powder. Why: Anti-inflamatory, aids brain function, aids arthritis, diabetes, and Alzheimers. Note: Use with black pepper with it to increase absorption rate.